cauterizado, 2024

cauterizado, 2024, 25(25×32,3cm), guache (e grafite) s/cartolina


Character: Does the dog try to bite? Does it yelp? limp? show its teeth when playing? bite itself at play? Marks.

Temperament: Does the dog show plenty of energy? Does it play readily? Is it submissive? Will it allow its teeth to be examined? Can you roll it over on its back? Does it stay away when let off the lead? Does it stay between its owner’s legs? Is this the first time it has been away from its familiar environment? Marks.

Docility: Does it wag its tail when it has understood what its owner wants, and obey? If it runs off, does it often turn round to see where its owner is? How does it respond to its call? If it is playing with its owner and is suddenly told ‘Enough! Stop!’, does it quickly obey? Marks.

Endurance: Does it soon refuse to run or jump? Does it play only for short periods? Does it bark for a long time, or stop quickly? Does it enjoy long walks? Marks.

Courage: Is it courageous and ready to bite? Courageous and not inclined to bite? Timid and inclined to bite? Does it have phobias to do with its sight or hearing? Does it have a fighting impulse? Does it put up with being hit with a stick? Marks. (…)”



nota: adorei o acaso de o pastor-alemão calhar no prémio de alemão (e francês)